Saturday, October 10, 2009

Feast Days from Monday Oct 12th to Sunday 18th

The main feast days this week are:

12th October - Our Lady of the Pilar

13th October - Fatima Day - The Miracle of the Sun

13th October - St Edward the Confessor

15th October - St Teresa of Avila

16th October - St Margaret Mary

18th October - St Luke

12th of October - OUR LADY OF THE PILAR

This is a very special feast day as it is Our Lady's first known apparition. What makes this apparition so special is that Our Lady was still living on earth when it took place. She bilocated to Spain where St James the Greater had gone to bring the faith of Christ. St James had not been succesful and was very dejected at this point, camped by the bank of the Ebro River in Saragossa and preparing to return to Jerusalem. St James was deep in prayer when Our Lady appeared to him and gave him a wooden statue of herself holding the Child Jesus upon a jasper pillar saying:

"It will stand from this moment until the end of time in order that God may work miracles and wonders through my intercession for all those who place themselves under my patronage."

She instructed St James to build a church that would stand till the end of time. Tradition tells us that Our Lady had promised St James that when he needed it most in his difficult mission of converting the pagans in Spain, she would come to encourage him.

I am very pleased to share with you two glossy Catholic magazine articles written about one of the Chruch's most incredible and most well documented Marian miracles that took place through the intercession of Our Lady of the Pilar and the Holy Oil that comes from her shrine. It is about a young man who had his amputed leg miraculous restored to him 2 years after losing his limb.

Our Lady of the Pilar - "A Sign for Non Believers" When you follow this link you can click open the 6 pages and either read them online, or print them up and use them as an edifying read-aloud with the family. My children really enjoyed this story.

Our Lady of the Pilar - "A Sign for Non-Believers continued" This historical event is further supported by a modern day doctor who specializes in limb attachment. He states that the testimonies shared by those who witnessed the miracle in the 1600's spoke of things they saw, that describe accurately the science of limb attachment. Descriptions that could not have been fabricated since re-attaching limbs is only been made possible in the last 50 years or so. This another read-aloud for the family and the two together are probably worth reading over a couple of days.

Both of these magazine articles, strengthen our faith and show us the glory of miracles in Catholic Church, as we remember these words of scripture:

Here is Kathyrn's posting on the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar. HT: UK Bookworm

Here is our daily altar today, we did a craft in re-creating Our Lady of the Pillar.

Here is our cake for the feast, this is as simple as buying a swiss roll cake and piping on some cream or icing (I used icing) and then placing a little plastic statue or printing up a little image on cardboard of Our Lady to sit on top.

To make the craft and cake, click here for all my details.



Here is our Miracle of the Sun craft for today, click here to see how we made it and how we used it.

Here is our Miracle of the Sun cake which is over at Catholic Cuisine.



The Children of Fatima by Mary Fayban Windeatt is good for young/older teenagers.

he Day the Sun Danced A lovely 30min cartoon about the apparitions of Fatima.

The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima movie. This is a great hollywood classic that is very moving, a good movie to watch together as a family in the evening.



15th of October - ST TERESA OF AVILA

"Let nothing affright thee,

Nothing dismay thee.

All is passing,

God ever remains.

Patience obtains all.

Whoever possesses God

Cannot lack anything

God alone suffices."

~St. Teresa of Avila

This famous quote of St Therese would make a lovely piece of copywork for children to write out and decorate and place on the family altar or wall.

St Teresa of Avila Colouring Book

Biography of St Teresa of Avila for children HT: Intercessories Family Ministeries

Free St Teresa Coloured Paper Dolls. These were a lovely find! Definately fun for the little girls in the family.

Here are a few recipes in honour of St Teresa from Catholic Cuisine:

Sopa de Ajo Castellana (Castillian Garlic Soup)

Pan de Santa Teresa (St Teresas Bread)

Seafood Paella

Teresa De Jesus is a 3 dvd mini series on her life.

16th of October - ST MARGARET MARY

There are many crafts for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but naturally they are very appropriate on the feast of St Margaret Mary, who revealed this devotion in it's fullness to the world. Below are some lovely Sacred Heart crafts, you may want to think of incorporating The twelve promises of Our Lord to St Margaret Mary into some of the ideas below:

Sacred Heart Craft for the family altar HT: Jennifer at Wildflowers and Marbles

Sacred Heart Craft HT: Kimberlee at Pondered in my heart

Sacred Heart Craft HT: Homeschooling Down Under

There are also some lovely Sacred Heart feast ideas from Catholic Cuisine below:

Lastly another sweet cake idea for the feast of the Sacred Heart HT: Faith and Family Live

18th of October - ST LUKE

Biography of St Luke for children HT: Intercessories Family Ministry

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